
Discover scripts made by the community.

Discover Scripts

Enhance LiquidBounce with scripts developed by the community.

All scripts available for download on this site have been thoroughly checked for malicious code and other undesirable behavior. Unlike scripts from unknown sources, you do not have to worry about exposing yourself to potential threats by using them.


A packet debugger script which displays selected packets and their fields on chat bar.

1 year ago by As丶One


A fun minigame script which lets you generate and play mazes!

3 years ago by Nvarolotl

Baguette Script

Fly bypass on Cubecraft Redesky LastMatrix (Glide) AntiAC and Brwserv !

3 years ago by DuCouscous


This script provides a panel which displays all of your current local configs.

3 years ago by Nvarolotl


This script allows you to create keybinds for client commands. Then you can simply press a key on your keyboard to execute a command instead of typing it out each time.

3 years ago by Senk Ju


This script provides a vehicle longjump for any (!) AAC version above 3.3.12.

3 years ago by Nvarolotl

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