
Download the latest version of LiquidBounce here.


Install LiquidBounce with just a few clicks.

LiquidLauncher is the official launcher for LiquidBounce. It simplifies the installation of the client and automatically keeps it up to date.

So far, LiquidBounce has been downloaded 6,000,000 times. Phew.

Windows Linux macOS Source Code

By downloading and using LiquidBounce you automatically agree to our TOS and Privacy Policy. Feel free to contact us by E-Mail if you have any questions: [email protected]

Manual Installation

Install LiquidBounce manually (if you're experienced).

We recommend using LiquidLauncher for a hassle-free installation process. However, if you're familiar with mod loaders like Fabric and prefer manual installation, that's also an option! Please note that this method requires some experience with installing Minecraft mods. If you run into any issues, you can always check out our installation tutorial for guidance.

LiquidBounce Nextgen (Recommended)

This is the latest version of our client designed for the Fabric mod loader. It features a beautiful user interface and the latest bypasses for many servers. It is compatible with every Minecraft version starting 1.7 (thanks to ViaFabricPlus).

Commit Branch Version Date Commit Message Download
f6c59a5 nextgen 0.27.1 / Fabric 1.21.4 March 4, 2025, 8:08 am release: 0.27.1
ef61867 nextgen 0.27.0 / Fabric 1.21.4 March 4, 2025, 12:19 am release: 0.27.0
048b6c8 nextgen 0.26.0 / Fabric 1.21.4 February 3, 2025, 2:14 pm release: 0.26.0
a568502 nextgen 0.25.0 / Fabric 1.21.4 January 27, 2025, 10:29 pm release: 0.25.0
74aa256 nextgen 0.24.1 / Fabric 1.21.4 January 19, 2025, 9:17 am release: 0.24.1

LiquidBounce Legacy (Discontinued)

⚠️ Warning: This version is discontinued and unsupported.

We strongly recommend using LiquidBounce Nextgen instead, which supports all Minecraft versions (1.7 - latest), has active development, and includes modern features.

This version of LiquidBounce has been discontinued and is no longer officially supported. Some development may still be done by our community but we highly recommend using LiquidBounce Nextgen instead, which supports 1.7 - 1.21.3.

Commit Branch Version Date Commit Message Download
03bc91a legacy b100 / Forge 1.8.9 March 2, 2025, 9:37 am release: b100
2281f2a legacy b99 / Forge 1.8.9 December 30, 2024, 1:20 am release: b99
330edbf legacy b98 / Forge 1.8.9 October 19, 2024, 5:01 am release: b98
dd21b9e legacy b97 / Forge 1.8.9 September 19, 2024, 5:51 am release: b97
aef3b3a legacy b96 / Forge 1.8.9 August 25, 2024, 5:13 am release: b96